Guess this is the time to begin our Blog and see where it goes from here.
For now, we are off to a concert of The Beach Boys ... certainly a group from our past, but one we expect we will enjoy listening to.
And what a great evening it turned out to be. First a drive to Miami to get there in time for our special invitation to a pre-concert cocktail party. It was a blast. A fully stocked open bar; so much food, we were stuffed .... veggie/cheese platters, caesar salad, pasta, hamburgers, chicken wings and delicious passed hot hors-doevres. On top of that ... desserts .... cream puffs, chocolate brownies, fresh chocolate chip cookies and large cups of creme boulee!! Certainly too much food and drink but it went so well with the pre-event entertainment --- an exciting, lively music group. Everyone was dancing and prancing before we even got to the main auditorium to hear The Beach Boys. We were a little surprised but told by others we should have expected the huge crowds. There were thousands already in their seats waiting expectantly.
The applause began as they filled the stage. There were 15 musicians on the stage with 3 of the original Beach Boys. ... a large TV screen was above the heads of the group and had constant displays to enhance the music. The lighting for the concert was extremely well done and brought a great deal of movement, life and excitement to the stage and even the audience (who were included in the light displays.) AND, the music !!! ... well if you remember and like The Beach Boys ... this show was absolutely the best. The age group of the audience was very mixed, from young to old and ALL were up on their feet, clapping, singing along, bouncing and rocking to the music they know and love.
The program was all The Beach Boys, no introductory act ... just great music .... a first act of 65 minutes / a 25 minute intermission and then the closing act of 45 minutes. Well worth the price of admission. It is an amazing concert that we enjoyed immensely.